Tuesday, 15 December 2020

What are the 3 basic elements of good nutrition?


 Understand the 3 Key Elements of a Healthy Diet Plan for Athletes

Putting together a healthy diet plan can seem overwhemling. There are so many fad diets, it makes it difficult to know what's right for you. For athletes, eating is all about fueling for superior performance on the field.

A healthy diet has three main areas of concern: food choices, hydration and portion control. If an athlete can control all three, he or she can successfully create a healthy diet plan.

Food Choices

We live in a world where we are surrounded by fast food and microwavable meals. Although they're convenient, they might not be the best foods to fuel athletic performance. The most important thing is to find foods that will help build lean muscle, repair your body and ensure gains long after you complete your training or event. Many of the nutrients that accomplish these things can be found in non-processed foods. Organic and all-natural foods ensure that what you're eating hasn't been pumped with additives or preservatives.


Lean chicken, beef and fish are all great. If you do not eat meat, you can go with green peas ( a serving of which contains around the same amount of protein as a cup of milk), or you can increase the amount of nuts, beans and legumes in your diet. Beans are an extremely underutilized food in the American diet. They're high in protein, fiber and other useful nutrients.


When it comes to carbohydrates, it's hard to beat quinoa. Although most grains contain a small amount of protein, quinoa contains more than 8 grams per cup. Quinoa delivers carbs and protein simultaneously, which not only helps your body feel full but also speeds the recovery process. Whole grain foods are another fantastic source of carbohydrates that will give you long-lasting energy.

Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are extremely important. Spinach should be included in every athlete's diet. This green leaf has the ability to process digestion, which makes you feel fuller longer. Your diet should also include pineapple and papaya. Both of these tropical fruits contain enzymes that help your body break down and digest protein—and they possess anti-inflammatory properties that speed up your body's recovery process.

During any event or training, you should drink some water every 15 minutes. Dehydration leads to a drop in performance—the last thing an athlete wants. Adding lemons to your water is a smart idea. Lemon water has the ability to keep your liver in check and can keep your skin healthy. Water should always be your first choice when it comes to hydration—not options like fruit drinks or soda. The excess sugar in those drinks lets you quickly and mindlessly consume extra calories. Stick to water if you're serious about changing your

World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

They will need to provide you with some basic information so that you can complete the application process:

During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
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Enter Sponsor's Herbalife ID Number:   →     W2124020
First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →     SEN


Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process

Step 1

Step 2

Choose The Products For Basic 
Search by SKU
  1. SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
  2. SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
  3. SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
  4. SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label 

Step 3

Personalized Program for Weight Management  


Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.


Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.


Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.

Add 2 TBSP of Personalized Protein Powder
to each shake.

How do u lose back fat?


 How to Lose Back Fat the Healthy Way

Genetics, diet, and lifestyle factors all play a role in where your body stores fat.

And most of your everyday movements like walking and carrying groceries work the front of your arms and your chest. This may make it difficult to know how to tone back muscles and target back fat.

The idea of “spot-treating” areas of fat on your body with certain exercises is a myth. You’ll need to lose overall fat to lose back fat.

A combination of a healthy diet, a calorie deficit, and a workout routine that intentionally focuses on your lower and upper back can work together to make your back stronger and more fit.

How to get rid of back fat

To get rid of fat deposits on your back, you’ll need to start by creating a caloric deficit. That means that you’ll need to burn more calories than you consume.

In addition to cutting calories, you can tone your back muscles if you focus your exercise routine to target the muscles in your upper and lower back.

Adding high-intensity interval exercise (HIIT) to your routine, along with working out these specific muscles, will start to give you the results that you’re looking for.

How to create a caloric deficit

A caloric deficit doesn’t have to be dramatic to have an effect on your weight. It takes 3,500 calories to equal a pound. If you reduce your caloric intake by 300 to 500 calories per day, you’ll start to lose a pound or 2 every week.

The easiest way to create a caloric deficit is to cut back on foods that are high in calories but low in nutritional value.

Cutting out sugary drinks, processed and bleached grains, and foods with a lot of artificial preservatives can be a simple place to start.

Another way to create a caloric deficit is to beef up your exercise routine. Burning 300 to 500 calories at the gym, in addition to cutting 300 to 500 calories per day from your diet, will double your weight loss results.

Diet to get rid of back fat

Eating a diet that’s rich in fiber and low in sodium can help you trim excess fat and “water weight” that your body might be storing in your back area. Some of the most weight-loss-friendly foods include:

  • avocados
  • hard-boiled eggs
  • leafy greens
  • broccoli and cauliflower
  • sweet potatoes
  • salmon and tuna
  • lean chicken breast

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Toning exercises for the lower back

These exercises target the muscles in your lower back muscles, including your obliques and extensors. The exercises can be done at home or at the gym, with minimal exercise equipment necessary.

Reverse hip raise with exercise ball

This low-impact exercise is easy on your hips and a simple way to start toning your back.

  • Start by lying with your belly on the exercise ball, your eyes looking at the ground. Your palms should be flat on the floor, and your legs can be bent at the knee.
  • Squeeze your glute muscles together and balance on the ball as you press your legs together and up. The ball should remain stable during this movement.
  • Hold this pose for several seconds, then lower your legs. Repeat several times, increasing the length of time you hold the hip raise if you’re able to.

Side jackknife

This exercise targets your obliques, which are part of your abdomen, and will tone your “love handles” and lower back area.

  • Lie on your right side with your legs stacked over each other.
  • Put your left hand behind your head. Your right hand can rest wherever you feel comfortable.
  • Squeeze your obliques as you draw your left leg up toward your left arm, which should remain stable on your head. You’ll be bringing the bent left arm toward your left knee.
  • Repeat several times before switching to the opposite side.


This exercise named for a superhero works your lower back as well as your glutes.\

  • Lie on your stomach, on a yoga mat if you have one.
  • Stretch your body out so that your legs and arms are lengthened.
  • Lift your hands and feet off the ground at the same time. Both your arms and legs should be about 6 inches off the ground.
  • If you can, lift your bellybutton off the floor and hold the position for several seconds. With control, lower your legs and arms back down before repeating the exercise.

Toning exercises for the upper back

Lateral raises with dumbbells

This easy weight exercise works the shoulder muscles improving definition around the shoulders and back. Adding weight training to your routine can helpTrusted Source boost your metabolism all day long.

  • Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, facing forward. You can also modify this movement by doing it from a sitting position. You don’t have to use a lot of weight, either — doing lots of reps with lighter weights might be better for toning your back.
  • Slowly raise the weights out to sides away from your body until your arms are parallel with the floor. Don’t squeeze your shoulders or “shrug” while you do this.
  • With control, return your arms to your body. Take a breath and repeat 10 to 12 times for one set.


A seated cable row will work your back muscles, especially your latissimus dorsi. You can also mimic the motion of a row machine by simply sitting on a bench and using light dumbbells or a resistance band.

  • Start by sitting with your back straight and your hands on either side gripping the resistance band, dumbbells, or row machine handle.
  • Draw your arms in, bending your elbows and pulling with your full weight as you lean back.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat. Instead of repetitions, try to repeat this exercise quickly for several minutes to get your heart rate up.

What causes back fat?

The speedbag helps you tone your arms and upper body. While it’s best to use a bag that’s mounted to a wall or ceiling, you don’t even need a bag at all to perform this exercise.

  1. Stand with your fists held high, in a fighting stance. That means your feet are hip-width apart, with one leg slightly in front of the other, and your hands are in fists, close to your jaw.
  2. Set a timer for anywhere between 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  3. Aim at your bag (or imagine one!). With your knuckles facing outward, aim to hit the bag as many times as you can in your chosen time frame, rotating your arms as you do so.
  4. When the timer goes off, that’s one “set.” Do up to three sets.

Lifestyle changes for weight loss

Lifestyle changes can help make your weight loss efforts more efficient. Here are some changes to consider making in your routine:

  1. Start by walking more. Simply walking to drop off your child to school or to get your coffee instead of driving to the coffee shop burns calories.
  2. If you smoke, consider quitting. This can be difficult, but a doctor can help you create a smoking cessation plan that works for you.
  3. Practice your posture. Not only will this minimize the appearance of back fat, but it will also help strengthen your back and give you a little bit of a workout right where you’re sitting.

What causes back fat?

A lack of cardio exercise or a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to back fat. A diet that’s high in sodium or sugar can also contribute to inflammation in your body, making back fat and “bloat” appear to be more significant.

Poor posture and clothing that doesn’t fit well can contribute to making your back “bulge” or appear lumpy.

However, it’s important to note that most of the time, genetics are the main factor at play in where the excess weight goes on your body.

That means that back fat can fluctuate according to:

  • the phase of life you’re in
  • your total body weight
  • your height
  • your activity level


It’s a myth that you can target just one area of your body to lose weight. But by doing exercises that focus on your back, along with eating a healthy diet and cutting calories, you can tone up that portion of your body.

Consistency is key. It’s also helpful to have a support system. Buddy up at the gym or on a weight loss app to give yourself a better chance of success.

Remember that every person’s body has limitations, and you don’t have to see them as flaws.

Have patience with the body you have while you work toward your health goals.

World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

They will need to provide you with some basic information so that you can complete the application process:

During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
In the next step, you will be asked two (2) important questions during the signup process:
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Enter Sponsor's Herbalife ID Number:   →     W2124020
First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →     SEN


Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process

Step 1

Step 2

Choose The Products For Basic 
Search by SKU
  1. SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
  2. SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
  3. SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
  4. SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label 

Step 3

Personalized Program for Weight Management  


Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.


Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.


Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.

Add 2 TBSP of Personalized Protein Powder
to each shake.

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Which fruits should be avoided for weight loss?


Weight Loss Tips: 5 Fruits You Should Avoid If You Are Trying To Lose Weight

While fruits are considered healthy, some do not make it to the list of foods that help you lose weight efficiently because they are excessively sweet or have a high calorie count. Let's look at some fruits you should steer away from if you are looking to shed some kilos.

Weight Loss Tips: Losing weight requires patience, and lots of hard work to get to the desired goal. It requires you to engage in physical activities, and most importantly eat a healthy diet. Most health experts suggest adding fibre and protein-rich foods to your diet, so as to stay full for longer which would further prevent you from overeating. It is advisable to consume a diet rich in whole grains, lean-meats, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables to lose weight the healthy way. But did you know, not all fresh fruits are meant to be consumed while you are on a weight loss journey? While they are considered healthy, some fruits do not make it to the list of foods that help you lose weight efficiently; majorly because they are excessively sweet, or have a high calorie count. Read on to know more about these fruits that you shouldn't have while you are trying to lose weight.

Fruits you should avoid if you are trying to lose weight

1. Avocado

Any high-calorie fruit should be consumed less. One of these high-calorie fruits is avocado; it is said that 100 gram of this fruit contains about 160 calories. While avocado is a good source of healthy fats, it can up your numbers on the weighing scale easily when consumed beyond reasonable amounts. This doesn't mean you completely eliminate it out of your diet, it is best to eat this fruit in moderation.

2. Grapes

While they are great for overall health, grapes are loaded with sugar and fats, which makes them the wrong fruit to eat while on a strict weight loss diet. 100 grams of grapes may contain 67 calories, and 16 grams of sugar, which means regular intake of these tiny delights could cause weight gain.

3. Dry fruits

Dry fruits like prunes, raisins, et al have more calories as they are void of water content. It is said that one gram of raisins may contain more calories as compared to grapes. So, about a cup of raisins contains 500 calories and one cup of prunes contains over 450 calories, which is a lot if you are watching your weight. It is best to eat dry fruits in limited quantities.

4. Banana

Yes, you read that right! Banana is super-healthy, but it is something you cannot have in excess. Bananas come loaded with calories and have excessive natural sugars present in it. One banana has about 150 calories, which is about 37.5 grams of carbohydrates. So, if you are someone who consumes 2-3 bananas every day, chances are this could lead to weight gain. It is best to have just one banana a day. Being low in glycaemic index, banana can, in fact, make for a healthy snack when enjoyed in moderation.

5. Mango

Tropical fruits like pineapple and mango may have hidden calories that can hinder your weight loss plans. It is best to avoid these fruits that are excessively sweet too.

All these fruits are healthy, and at no point should you fear consuming them! But eating them in large quantities could slow down your weight loss journey. It is best to practice portion control and lose weight the healthy way.

World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

They will need to provide you with some basic information so that you can complete the application process:

During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
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First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →     SEN


Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process

Step 1

Step 2

Choose The Products For Basic 
Search by SKU
  1. SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
  2. SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
  3. SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
  4. SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label 

Step 3

Personalized Program for Weight Management  


Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.


Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.


Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.

Add 2 TBSP of Personalized Protein Powder
to each shake.

Friday, 18 September 2020

How to Lose 20 Pounds as Fast as Possible


Losing weight can be incredibly challenging regardless of whether you’re looking to lose five pounds or 20.

Not only does it require diet and lifestyle changes, but it also takes quite a bit of patience.

Fortunately, using a mix of proven strategies can simplify and expedite weight loss.

Here are 10 of the best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.

1. Count Calories

It may sound like a no-brainer, but counting calories is one of the easiest and most effective ways to start losing weight fast.

Weight loss occurs when you use more calories than you take in, either by reducing your intake or increasing your physical activity.

While cutting calories alone is generally not considered a sustainable way to lose weight, counting calories can be an effective weight-loss tool when paired with other diet and lifestyle modifications.

Keeping track of your calorie intake can increase your awareness of what you’re putting on your plate, giving you the knowledge you need to make healthier choices.

Interestingly, one review of 37 studies found that weight loss programs that incorporated calorie counting led to 7.3 pounds (3.3 kg) more weight loss than those that didn’t 

Try tracking your calorie intake by using an app or a food journal.


When paired with other diet and lifestyle changes, counting calories can help you make healthier choices to increase weight loss.

2. Drink More Water

Upping your water intake is a simple way to boost weight loss with minimal effort.

In fact, one study found that pairing a low-calorie diet with increased water intake before meals resulted in 44% more weight loss over a 12-week period.

Research shows that water may enhance weight loss by bumping up metabolism, temporarily increasing the calories your body burns after eating.

According to one study in 14 adults, drinking 16.9 fluid ounces (500 ml) of water boosted metabolism by 30% after 30–40 minutes.

Drinking water with meals can also keep you feeling full, reducing your appetite and intake.

For example, one small study showed that drinking 16.9 fluid ounces (500 ml) of water before a meal reduced subsequent calories consumed by 13%.

For best results, drink at least 34–68 fluid ounces (1–2 liters) of water per day to maximize weight loss.


Drinking water can temporarily increase metabolism and reduce appetite to enhance weight loss. For best results, drink at least 34–68 fluid ounces (1–2 liters) of water per day.

3. Increase Your Protein Intake

To lose 20 pounds fast, including more protein-rich foods in your diet is absolutely essential.

A high-protein diet has been associated with decreased belly fat, as well as preserved muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss.

Protein can also help reduce appetite and decrease calorie intake.

One study in 19 adults found that increasing protein intake by just 15% increased feelings of fullness and significantly reduced calorie intake, belly fat, and body weight.

Another study showed that consuming a high-protein breakfast decreased levels of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger, by a much greater degree than a high-carb breakfast.

Meat, seafood, poultry, legumes, eggs, nuts, and seeds are a few healthy sources of protein that you can easily add to your diet.


Protein has been shown to decrease belly fat and body weight. It may also promote feelings of fullness to reduce calorie intake.

4. Cut Your Carb Consumption

Decreasing your intake of refined carbs is another useful strategy to accelerate weight loss.

Refined carbs have been stripped of their nutrient and fiber content during processing, resulting in a final product that is nutrient-poor.

What’s more, they typically have a high glycemic index, which means that they are digested and absorbed quickly. Rapid digestion leads to spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, followed by increased hunger.

Consuming high numbers of refined carbs has also been linked to increased body fat and weight gain.

For instance, one study in 2,834 people found that a higher intake of refined carbohydrates was associated with increased belly fat while a greater intake of whole grains was associated with less belly fat.

Another small study had similar findings, reporting that a diet rich in whole grains decreased both body weight and calorie intake compared to a diet focused on refined grains.

To get started, simply swap out refined grains in the pasta, white bread, cereals, and pre-packaged products for healthy, whole-grain alternatives such as couscous, quinoa, brown rice, or barley.


Refined carbs can increase hunger levels and may be associated with increased belly fat and weight gain compared to whole grains.

5. Start Lifting Weights

Resistance training is a type of exercise that involves working against a force to increase muscle strength and endurance.

Adding resistance training to your routine can bump up fat burning and metabolism to help you burn more calories, even while at rest.

One review showed that 10 weeks of resistance training may increase metabolism by 7%, stabilize blood sugar in those with diabetes, and lead to 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of fat loss in adults.

Meanwhile, another study in 94 women suggested that resistance training preserved fat-free mass and metabolism after weight loss, allowing the body to burn more calories throughout the day (13Trusted Source).

Get started by hitting the gym or doing bodyweight exercises at home, such as squats, planks, and lunges.


Resistance training can help increase metabolism and preserve fat-free mass, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.

6. Eat More Fiber

Fiber moves slowly and undigested through your gastrointestinal tract, slowing the emptying of your stomach to keep you feeling full longer.

One study in healthy men found that consuming 33 grams of insoluble fiber, which is commonly found in wheat and vegetables, was effective in decreasing both appetite and food intake (16Trusted Source).

The satiety-boosting effects of fiber could produce big benefits in terms of weight control.

One review reported that increasing fiber intake by 14 grams per day was linked to a 10% reduction in calorie intake and 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) of weight loss over a four-month period, even without making any other diet or lifestyle changes.

In addition, a 20-month study in 252 women found that each gram of dietary fiber consumed was associated with 0.5 pounds (0.25 kg) less body weight, and 0.25% less body fat (18Trusted Source).

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are all excellent sources of fiber that are integral to a healthy weight loss diet.


Fiber keeps you feeling full to reduce appetite and intake, which may boost weight loss.

7. Set a Sleep Schedule

While there’s no doubt that switching up your diet and exercise routine are the two most important routes to losing 20 pounds, the amount you sleep could also play a role.

In fact, one study in 245 women showed that both sleeping at least seven hours per night, and getting better sleep quality increased the likelihood of weight loss success by 33% (19Trusted Source).

And just as getting enough sleep can set you up for success, sleep deprivation can cause the pounds to slowly pack on overtime.

One study following 68,183 women over 16 years found that those sleeping five hours or less gained an average of 2.5 pounds (1.14 kg) more than women who slept at least seven hours per night.

Another study showed that even a single night of sleep deprivation can increase levels of hunger hormones, which could lead to increased appetite and weight gain.

Try practicing a bedtime ritual each night, sticking to a routine, and minimizing your intake of caffeine before bed to establish a healthy sleep cycle and enhance weight loss.


Getting enough sleep and improving sleep quality could benefit from weight loss. Conversely, sleep deprivation can lead to increased hunger and weight gain.

8. Stay Accountable

Staying accountable to your weight loss goals is key to long-term success. There are many different ways to do so.

For example, weighing yourself daily has been associated with increased weight loss and a reduced risk of weight regain compared to weighing yourself less frequently.

Research also suggests that keeping a food journal to self-monitor your intake and progress can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer.

You can also try partnering with a friend or joining an online weight loss community to increase your motivation and stay on track towards your goals.


Staying accountable can help increase weight loss. Weighing yourself daily, keeping a food journal and pairing up with a friend are all effective strategies to enhance weight loss.

9. Add Cardio to Your Routine

Whether you’re looking to lose one pound or 20, adding cardio to your routine is a must.

Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is a form of physical activity that increases your heart rate and helps strengthen your heart and lungs.

What’s more, it increases the calories your body burns to aid fat and weight loss.

One study in 141 overweight and obese participants showed that cardio exercise alone was effective at inducing significant weight loss.

In fact, performing cardio to burn either 400 calories or 600 calories five times per week for 10 months resulted in an average weight loss of 8.6 pounds (3.9 kg) and 11.5 pounds (5.2 kg), respectively.

Another study had similar findings, reporting that six months of cardio exercise alone decreased body weight by 9% in 141 obese older adults.

To maximize weight loss, aim for 150–300 minutes of cardio each week, or about 20–40 minutes every day.

Walking, running, jumping rope, rowing and boxing are some easy and enjoyable cardio workouts that can amp up weight loss.


Cardio can increase your body’s calorie-burning quota to boost both weight and fat loss.

10. Eat Slowly and Mindfully

Mindfulness is a practice that involves becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings while also shifting your focus to the present moment.

Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness can help increase weight loss and decrease intake while also allowing you to enjoy your food.

For example, one small study demonstrated that eating slowly led to greater increases in satiety hormones and feelings of fullness than eating at a faster pace.

Similarly, a study in 30 healthy women showed that eating slowly resulted in decreased calorie intake and greater feelings of fullness compared to eating more quickly.

Another review of 19 studies found that mindfulness interventions were able to significantly increase weight loss in 68% of studies.

Try minimizing distractions while eating, chewing your food more thoroughly, and drinking water with your meal to help yourself slow down and enjoy.


Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness can increase feelings of fullness, decrease calorie intake, and enhance weight loss.

Eat Healthily

World No.1 Nutrition Supplement

At Herbalife Nutrition, our commitment to make the world’s best nutrition products is the same as our commitment to helping people reach their goals. That’s why we’re offering Members and customers the opportunity to meet those goals as Herbalife Nutrition Preferred Members!

you will need to fill-out the Herbalife Membership application and agreement

They will need to provide you with some basic information so that you can complete the application process:

During stressful times one of the greatest benefits of regular exercise is its ability to make everyday life a little easier.
Our nutritional programs have helped over 80 million people lose weight in over 94 countries around the world so we know we can help you too.

Preferred Customer – is a person, who is registered as a Herbalife Distributor. Being registered as a distributor does not oblige the person to in reality distribute. It only signifies that the person is registered on the Herbalife computer database and so is qualified to receive a 25% and 35% discount on all purchases. 
In the next step, you will be asked two (2) important questions during the signup process:
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Enter Sponsor's Herbalife ID Number:   →     W2124020
First 3 letters of Sponsor's Last Name:  →     SEN


Weight Management: Search to End Results Step by step Process

Step 1

Step 2

Choose The Products For Basic 
Search by SKU
  1. SKU 4809 - 1: Ultimate program French Vanilla 1 Kit
  2. SKU 0194 - 2: Personalized Protein Powder 12.7 Oz.
  3. SKU 0366 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Citrus Lemon 14 Bars per Box
  4. SKU 0364 - 2: Protein Bar Deluxe: Vanilla Almond 14 Bars per Box
Use the Products as per the label 

Step 3

Personalized Program for Weight Management  


Delivers proper protein, but with fewer calories to promote weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces two meals per day with a Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake.


Delivers proper protein and calories to help you maintain your weight when coupled with an appropriate exercise program. This option replaces one meal per day (breakfast) with a HerbalifeNutrition Formula 1 shake.


Supplement the Daily Nutrition Plan with additional Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes, up to a total of three shakes per day.

Add 2 TBSP of Personalized Protein Powder
to each shake.

What are the 3 basic elements of good nutrition?

   Understand the 3 Key Elements of a Healthy Diet Plan for Athletes Putting together a healthy diet plan can seem overwhemling. There are s...